Fernandes, Isabel

Born in Brazil, I have returned to the country of my parents, Portugal.

Confident the Lord will raise a new church in the city of Cartaxo, Portugala city of 25,000 inhabitants of which 90% identifies as Roman Catholic she is part of a church planting team. In reality, most people are agnostic or are involved in religious syncretism which is a blend of Roman Catholicism with practices of witchcraft.

She also uses her culinary gifts in preparing jams and jellies and other delicacies to sell at a local market with the purpose of evangelism outreach.

She gives thanks to the builder of our work because without Him we are short-handed. Cartaxo is known as the Capital of Wine. I dream this city may become known for the new wine, fruit of the true vine, from which His branches spread, giving much fruit to the glory of God and our joy.