Greg has pastored for 34 years in part-time and full-time roles. During his early years as he pastored part-time, he worked as a Conference Youth Minister for his denomination. Over the years he has mentored many young men who are now in various ministries.
Now living in Virginia and pastoring part-time at a small church, the Lord continues to bring young men into his life who are exploring God’s call on their lives to become pastors. Greg seeks to encourage and enable them to grow into the ministry positions where God is leading them and continues to mentor them as they face new and sometimes difficult situations of pastoral ministry.
With the graying of the clergy across our nation and the declining moral fabric of our culture, Greg believes it’s vital for the health of God’s church to raise up young men who are on fire for Jesus and stand solidly upon His Word to lead His church! His desire is to seek young men the Lord is calling, walk with them in determining the ministry God is calling them to serve in, encourage them to take steps of faith as needed, and mentor them through the process.