Abby's Garden (Storment)

Abby's Garden is the daycare ministry Tonya Storment helped start in La Vega, the town where the Storments were living in the Dominican Republic.

The daycare has several purposes:

  1. First and foremost, we provide excellent care for babies and toddlers of at-risk teenage mothers. Human trafficking in the Dominican Republic is the third largest international crime enterprise in the Caribbean, and we seek to combat that by providing care for the children of adolescents, who can then pursue their education and therefore be less prone to choosing prostitution as a way to support themselves. We witnessed prostitution many times while living in the DR, and it is a sad reality for girls and women in an economic situation where there are not many job opportunities.
  2. To provide classes on parenting and to share the Gospel with the mothers who bring their babies to be cared for.
  3. To provide jobs for women in the DR, who otherwise don't have many opportunities for finding good employment.

Tonya will be making a trip to La Vega soon to deliver supplies for Abby’s Garden and to have meetings with our financial advisor and director to ensure that our goals are being met, as well as spend time with the kids of Abby’s Garden.

Please prayerfully consider giving to Abby's Garden, which will not only provide employment for women who now have none but also lessen the risks for adolescent mothers and their precious babies. $200 per month will cover the cost of one child receiving loving care, food, and hearing stories of Jesus and His love. Perhaps you are able to cover a whole month's care for one child, or maybe you can give $50 a month, which would be enough to cover one week's care. One-time or occasional donations also help greatly.